AFB012 Access Control By Badge Code Didactic Bench Vocational Training Equipment Didactic Building Automation Training Equipment
Metal Structure mobile on wheels
Power Supply protected by a differential circuit breaker, with emergency stop.
Control circuit power must be SELV
The dynamometer consists at a minimum of the following components:
Three proximity readers +code
Two controllers of the doors
Two electric strikes to flush mount
Two contacts for monitoring doors
Control button striker
Central access control

20 Badges of applications at least
NB : All components must be compatible between them.
The bench must allow the minimum
The circuit wiring of access control system by badge+code
NB : All terminals must be reporter on safety bushings.
To manage two access
Two drives in entered/Outflows
A player in between/button in output
Schedule an access card by specifying the identification of the card, with assignment of custom code, time ranges, authorized access.
Define the different access scenarios with simulation on the status of the doors:
The bench must be supplied with all necessary accessories for the connection and commissioning of the didactic system
Electrician tools